Monday 19 September 2011

Night Watchman

So it's been a few months since my last post. Bubs is sleeping through most of the night but there's an interesting byproduct to all the sleep shinanigans that went on.

I'm a light sleeper. I wake up if a pin is dropped (albeit a really BIG pin dropped right near my head...onto something hollow). It turns out my daughter has inherited this from me which is not neccesarily a good thing. Within 10 minutes of both my wife and I going to bed, my daughter will be awake. More than that she'll call for me. She's able to say Mama, Dada or Daddy, and YaYa (what we call our helper). As I'm a light sleeper I was usually the one to respond to her crying in the night. My wife can usually sleep through it for a few minutes, whereas I'm up like a shot in the dark. So now my daughter associates night time with Daddy time! She's also figured out that if she cries I'll go to her. The moment I get to her she's all smiles, giggles and playful slapping of my face (another thing from her Mother....). The process of getting her back to sleep can take an hour, sometimes more. She'll go down, pretend she's sleeping then pop back up just as I get in to bed. All this may sound terribly cute - awwwwww, she's playing a game with you, she just wants more Daddy time! - but when it's 11pm on a school night I defy anyone to be overly chipper.

I'm now developing the talent of falling asleep at her crib, body slumped over, head hanging over the side, baby playing with my hair. I love my daughter to the moon, but it'd be nice if Dad could go to bed and stay there till morning. Having said that.... I do love to have secret quiet time with her, and it makes me laugh that she can now reach my feet or sometimes even my leg at the end of the bed then pinch it.

I am the Night Watchman. I don't care that I'm tired, I just care that my daughter is happy - always. Alright, bed time for me, or not, depends on her.